Local & Provincial Stuff (December)


  1. Winter Farmers’ Markets: No winter market organized in Vernon this fall/winter.

    Armstrong: Sat., 10 – 2 pm, Odd Fellows Hall on Bridge St., Wood Ave.

    Lumby: Mon – Sat., 10 – 5 pm, Monashee Co-op. www.monasheecommunitycoop.ca!

  2. Climate change is devastating for Okanagan grape growers: The freeze event in December 2020 is having disastrous short-term and long-term effects on the local grape crops. To help the wineries in this hard time, buy local Okanagan wine. For the full story, go here!


  1. BC Hydro scrambles to remove bears hibernating in Site C dam flood zone before waters rise: Filling the reservoir of the contentious Site C dam is set to occur this season. It poses disastrous consequences for habitats along Peace River. Among the affected species - grizzlies and black bears. BC Hydro plans to relocate bears but biologists aren’t as optimistic. For the full Narwhal story, go here!

  2. Coalition pushes B.C. to move faster on climate change mitigation: British Columbia is failing to meet all of their 10 targets! B.C. Climate Emergency Campaign released its second progress report, which indicates the pace at which B.C. is tackling the climate crisis is nowhere near what is needed to prevent further climate emergencies. For the full CBC story, go here!

  3. Addressing climate justice in Vancouver’s downtown eastside: There is inequality in the climate crisis. The effects of climate hazards are felt disproportionately across the globe, between ecosystems and across socioeconomic levels. People who live in Vancouver’s downtown eastside are especially exposed to increasing climate events. For the full story, go here!

Local Stuffm lassau