Local & Provincial Stuff (May)


  1. Farmers’ Markets:    Vernon: Mondays and Thursdays, 8 – 1 pm,  Kal Tire Place, outside.

                                        Armstrong: Saturdays, 8 – 12:30, Armstrong Fairgrounds.

                                         Lumby: Mon-Sat., 10-5 pm,at Monashee Co-op. www.monasheecommunitycoop.ca

  2. Okanagan Similkameen Stewardship News: Enhancement of BX Creek wetlands habitat continues with several opportunities for locals to volunteer or learn more through various activities.  https://www.osstewardship.ca/nvp

  3. Greyback Elk are in Danger from a Proposed Development: Canadian Horizons’ is proposing to rezone 126.4 acres of the precious Naramata Bench habitat, which will put the elk and at least 18 other species at risk.  https://www.preservenaramatabench.com/?mkt_tok=Nzg4LVlCRi0yOTYAAAGLJJ4yTZNkTeoTg3ToL9tdpotNwqC9Q_bPSNFBaqjC7krXRk2Jj1TKnEFgJbG_XSdXZQijg7ULxRfUggy3LVX8ZKrvKtzCygVRG4D4yPw


  1. BC Hydro Secretly Handed Out $430 Million in Site C Dam Contracts: Problematic contracts were given without competition and without transparency by BC Hydro employees.  ttps://thenarwhal.ca/site-c-contracts-snc-lavalin/

  2. Coastal Gaslink Faces New Fines for Filing ‘False and Misleading’ Information: Coastal GasLink has been accused of misleading enforcement officers and may face fines. https://thenarwhal.ca/coastal-gaslink-fines-april-2023/

Local Stuffm lassau