Stuff From Other Environmental Groups (September)


  1. We Need to Defund the Actions that Destroy the Environment! Putting money toward environmental conservation isn’t enough. For the full article, go here!


  1. The U.K.’s Liberal Democrats Accuse the Government of “Environmental Crime”! This was said after plans to extract “potentially significant” amounts of oil against citizens’ wishes were revealed. News: go here!

  2. Wastewater Poses a Health and Environmental Threat: But can we turn it into an energy solution? For the news story, go here!

  3. Queer and Environmental Intersecting Realities: Here’s an interesting article that explores the parallels and intersection of LGBTQA+ issues with environmental causes.

  4. Fossil Fuel Support: G20 members gave USD 1.4 trillion to fossil fuels in 2022. Read how eliminating fossil fuel subsidies and having carbon taxes could generate up to USD 2.4 trillion to support big public needs.

Good News Stories

  1. Deep Sea Mining Moratorium Now in Place: Canada played an important role in the deep sea mining delay. But future mining still remains a threat... For the full story, go here!

  2. Belgium Officially Ends Export of Banned Pesticides: For years, Belgium has been exporting dangerous pesticides which have been banned on its own soil. A policy banning this practice was passed June 2023.  For the full story, go here!

  3. Australia is Finally Cleaning Up Their Fuel: Australia’s federal labor government is introducing “best practice” emissions standards for cars. For the full story, go here!