Stuff From Other Environmental Groups (November)


  1. The True Cost of the Trans Mountain Pipeline: “Using accounting wizardry and shell corporations, the government is hiding a damning detail: our analysis projects that the federal government is setting the stage to forgive $17 billion in debt that Trans Mountain owes to Canadians.” For the full story, go here!

  2. Why Canada’s Energy Security Hinges on Renewables: Gas and coal aren’t just detrimental to the environment, but they pose economical risks for Canada among others. For the full article, go here!

  3. Is Your Furniture Trying to Kill You? Formaldehyde found in certain furniture is thought to cause ill effects. For the CBC news article, go here!


  1. Popular U.K. Supermarket Waitrose Ditches Best-Before Dates: Instead, they ask customers to use their own discretion to prevent unnecessary food waste. They are joined by other U.K. food stores. For the BBC news article, go here!

  2. Greenland Ice Sheet More Vulnerable Than Previously Thought: Universities of Edinburgh and San Diego have been investigating the sheet’s melting over a 40 year period. For the full report, go here!

Good News Stories

  1. Canada’s First Climate-Resilient School Ground: This playground provides family fun activities while respecting the ecosystem and adapting to changing climates. For the full article, go here!