S.E.N.S. Stuff (November)

  1. Vernon’s Councillor By-election: SENS and CAN! (Climate Action Now!) are co-hosting a climate action - environmental sustainability All Candidates Forum, live stream, at Vernon & District Performing Arts Centre, November 10, 7 – 9 pm. You can listen and watch the live stream via the SENS facebook page, and ask a question via chat. If you wish, use the ‘contact us’ form at www.sensociety.org to email your short, climate, environment, or sustainability related question before November 8 and note to which candidate (s) it is to be directed.  The SENS website will post answers given by candidates to questions SENS and CAN! sent to them earlier.  More details may follow later.

  2. Dr. Warren Bell’s talk: CAPE: Human –  Environment Health on October 21st provided much info on how CAPE is acting for all of us. Their website also is a valuable site for information. Here’s the google link to his talk! 

SENS Stuffm lassau